Native Construct Robbed of Gear, Passports and More In San Antonio, TX

Joining the unfortunately ever-growing list of bands robbed out on tour, Boston prog metal outfit Native Construct fell victim to having their passports and some of their gear – including a Strandberg Boden OS 8 guitar (pictured below) – stolen from them while in San Antonio, Texas. 

Thankfully, a GoFundMe page has been created for the band and has since accumulated over $5,000. To donate and help the guys recoup some of their losses, you can do so here. To read more about the situation, see the band’s Facebook post below. 

Native Construct is currently on tour with Between the Buried and Me, Enslaved and Intronaut. Tickets can be found here.

UPDATES:12.6.15**Serial number on Poh Hock’s stolen guitar: W1507058****A Gofundme campaign has been…

Posted by Native Construct on Saturday, December 5, 2015
