Despite the untimely and unexpected passing of frontman Warrel Dane, in order to pay tribute to their fallen brother, thrash metal outfit Sanctuary will remain on their upcoming Noise Presents tour with Iced Earth and Kill Ritual.
“Sanctuary has decided to continue on with the Iced Earth tour to pay tribute to our brother Warrel Dane,” shares guitarist Lenny Rutledge. “We have enlisted the help of our friend Joseph Michael from Witherfall. The set will consist of many old and some newer songs performed with the utmost respect and quality to honor our friend. Please join us in this farewell as we celebrate Warrel‘s musical legacy with Sanctuary. We look forward to sharing this tribute with all of you.”
Tickets for the 32-date tour are on sale now and can be found here. For tour dates and locations, see below.
Tour Dates:
2/22 Indianapolis, IN - Deluxe
2/23 CIncinnati, OH - Bogarts
2/24 Louisville, KY - Mercury Ballroom
2/25 Milwaukee, WI - Turner Ballroom
2/26 Minneapolis, MN - Music Hall
2/27 Omaha, NE - Sokol Underground
2/28 Denver, CO - Summit Music Hall
3/2 Edmonton, AB - Starlite Room
3/3 Calgary, AB - Marquee Beer Market & Stage
¾ Vancouver, BC - Rickshaw Theater
3/5 Seattle, WA - El Corazon
3/7 Sacramento, CA - Ace of Spades
3/8 Los Angeles, CA - Belasco Theater
3/9 San Diego, CA - House of Blues
3/10 Anaheim, CA - Parish @ House of Blues
3/11 Phoenix, AZ - The Pressroom
3/13 San Antonio, TX - Aztec Theatre
3/14 Dallas, TX - House of Blues
3/15 Houston, TX - House of Blues
3/16 New Orleans, LA - Parish @ House of Blues
3/17 Atlanta, GA - The Masquerade
3/18 Charlotte, NC - Underground
3/19 Baltimore, MD - Baltimore Soundstage
3/21 Wilmington, DE - The Queen
3/22 New York, NY - Gramercy Theatre
3/23 Boston, MA - Brighton Music Hall
3/24 Quebec City, QC - Imperial Bell
3/25 Montreal, QC - Corona Theater
3/26 Toronto, ON - Phoenix Theater
3/27 Cleveland, OH - Cambridge Room @ House of Blues
3/28 Detroit, MI - St. Andrew’s Hall
3/29 Chicago, IL - Bottom Lounge