Weird Wednesday: Best of Feburary


Welcome everybody to the final Wednesday of February! Like we’ve always done in the past, today we’re compiling all of our favorite jams featured this month for you all to reminisce through.

Now, if you’re new to this and have no idea what’s going on, let us explain: Every Wednesday we post five of our favorite “weird” tracks we find searching through the web. And, by “weird,” we simply mean tracks you metalcore kids might not usually listen to. Why is that you ask? Well, that’s because the songs below do not have any breakdowns, screams or whatever the hell this is. 

We know it sounds scary, but please just trust us on this one.

That said, be sure to check out what’s below and let us know on Twitter @thenoise which songs you liked the most.

Enjoy and we’ll see you next month!

Dirty Dishes — “Thank You Come Again”

It probably doesn’t take a genius to understand why this senior-citizen-filled dance party made it to our post this month (just watch, you’ll see). Complete with unfortunate milk showers, dudes grubbing on cat food and doughnut theivery, Dirty Dishes’ “Thank You Come Again” is a Weird Wednesday gem. The track, on the other hand, is a fuzzy grunge-fest fans of all different types of genres can get down to. For more from Dirty Dishes, be sure to check out their Bandcamp page

Melted — “Old Lady Avenue”

Creating fuzzy party rock in the key of not-giving-a-fuck, Melted is a crew of free-spirited lads just looking to have a good time. We mean c’mon, just look at how much fun their having eating nachos, playing laser tag and dominating at some mini-golf. It’s almost as if their back in Jr. High trying to impress their cute next-door-neighbor Carol. But that’s neither here nor there. The moral of this random lapse of sentence making is that Melted rocks; end of story.

Dune Rats — “Superman”

Whether it’s your too-cool-for-school dad, your 5th grade math teacher or your short-shorts-wearing t-ball coach, everyone has their very own version of a modern-day Superman. And, in case of the Australian rockers Dune Rats, their Superman just happens to be crowd surfers. “This video is dedicated to every Superman and deadset legend” the band wrote on their YouTube page. “The chicks and the fellas, the mad dog of every crew, to the lords and lady hellmen at every show crowd surfing & stage diving - YEW !” Yeah, that about sums it up.

Mesa Cosa — “Sydney”

Before we even got through their latest release YaYa Brouhaha, it was a great feeling to know we shared something in common with Melbourne’s Mesa Cosa — that being we both don’t want to go to Sydney, Australia. While our reasoning (freaky death creatures) is much less personal than theirs (girls), it’s still nice to know we share a common ground. Anyways, to hear more from Mesa Cosa and their FIDLAR-esque racket, their Bandcamp page awaits your presence.

Hideous Sun Demon — “Flex”

Ladies and gentleman, you are looking at Weird Wednesday royalty in the making. While we aren’t exactly sure what the freaky fuck we are looking at, we are definitely fans of what Hideous Sun Demon has brought to their metaphorically demented table. To hear more from this brilliantly bizarre   Australian four-piece, head here
