March 11, 2020 In the year 2000, in the bustling streets of New York City, an emo-leaning punk rock band named Bayside was formed. 20 years later, after the release of eight fantastic…
September 26, 2019 Great news to all the local bands out there waiting for their next big break! Longtime emo punk act Bayside has just announced they’ll be taking local submissions for their…
September 20, 2019 Hot on the heels of sharing their heaviest song yet, longtime emo punk outfit Bayside have returned with some very exciting news. Coming October 4th (as in two weeks from…
March 11, 2020 In the year 2000, in the bustling streets of New York City, an emo-leaning punk rock band named Bayside was formed. 20 years later, after the release of eight fantastic…
September 26, 2019 Great news to all the local bands out there waiting for their next big break! Longtime emo punk act Bayside has just announced they’ll be taking local submissions for their…
September 20, 2019 Hot on the heels of sharing their heaviest song yet, longtime emo punk outfit Bayside have returned with some very exciting news. Coming October 4th (as in two weeks from…