May 23, 2016 One month after releasing their new comeback record OK, The Fall of Troy has returned to release OK#2 – a new, alternate version of their previously released record.“When we were…
April 20, 2016 Progressing along nicely on their comeback run, the Fall Of Troy has just released their first new album since 2009 (that’s seven years ago for those keeping track).Titled as OK,…
April 4, 2016 Do not adjust your computer/smartphone screen. The Fall of Troy, highly known as the Washington trio in charge of making one of the hardest songs to play on Guitar Hero…
May 23, 2016 One month after releasing their new comeback record OK, The Fall of Troy has returned to release OK#2 – a new, alternate version of their previously released record.“When we were…
April 20, 2016 Progressing along nicely on their comeback run, the Fall Of Troy has just released their first new album since 2009 (that’s seven years ago for those keeping track).Titled as OK,…
April 4, 2016 Do not adjust your computer/smartphone screen. The Fall of Troy, highly known as the Washington trio in charge of making one of the hardest songs to play on Guitar Hero…